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Horse Chinese Zodiac Signs

Chinese Zodiac Sign – Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2021)

Horse people are mix of emotions and behaviors. They can be humorous and furious, patient and impatient and many other similar kind contracting behavior as per the Horse personality traits and zodiac characteristics of Horse.

Horse, similar to the traits of the animal, possess high energy. They are hard workers and don’t seem to give up easily. Horses prefer the company of people and like to be the center of attraction. They often cheer up people and are good team workers.

The personality traits of Horse Zodiac Sign shows that these people possess extraordinary level of communication, which makes them the most sought after person in professional life

Nature of a Horse tells that he is very sensitive towards the loved ones. They are very possessive and intimate towards the people they love. Horse likes traveling and adventure.

The traits of a horse are similar to Gemini in western astrology.

Get to know more about the Zodiac Compatibility of Horse with other zodiac signs.

Also know about your Horse Chinese Horoscope 2021

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